Monday, February 2, 2009

Leadership and Pain?

It was interesting that during class today we had to write a situation that has caused us pain. I am interested to see how this will be related to leadership in a future class. I do believe that many leaders have undergone some sort of pain and this has caused them to make changes and take on leadership positions. I think that pain does help make some people stronger and learn how to persevere. No life is perfect, so I think everyone at some point in their life has to deal with pain and difficulties. The way a person deals with these situations can aid in making them a better leader. A leader does not just give up in hard situations, they stick with it and keep trying. This can help separate good leaders from great leaders, if they are able to keep trying and stay positive.

Also, it was interesting to see the potential group leaders have to answer the question about their leadership story. This definitely put these students on the spot and you could tell what students were nervous and which students truly were ready for the challenge. I believe that this showed a good judgement of a student's leadership ability because leaders are constantly put in challenging situations. They need to be ready for the challenge and able to handle it. There are a lot of solid leaders in our class and many students have great potential.

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